Most successful business ideas to start in 2021 post COVID period

Every business needs to adopt a new way of dealing with the customer through tech-savvy proportions. Every business needs an online presence, needs an online platform where their customers can place orders for their services and products. Contactless services are a solution to make the business, employees, customers virus-free. Still, peoples working from home, placing orders from home, hesitating to go out in the crowd and to physical stores.
It’s a time-proven fact that every business participating in online technology, that makes a correct time to launch an online business if you are looking to start something new in this period and want to help your nearby businesses.
Here are the few online business ideas which you can start in 2021
- Online Food Delivery Marketplace Business: Due to COVID restrictions and changes in the pattern of placing orders by the customers. nowadays customers love to place orders through online delivery marketplace applications. The government already places restrictions on dine-in gatherings at many places in the world which becomes hard for those restaurants who completely dependent on serving dine-in customers.
Yes, there are already many established online delivery companies in this field but those are taking benefit of this situation by charging heavy fees in margins & delivery for orders. You can start this business with reasonable margins of your services so that you can support your nearby food businesses.
To start an online food delivery marketplace business you need the following technical applications for this venture.
1. Online food delivery marketplace website
2. Food delivery marketplace mobile apps on iPhone & Android platform
3. Food Ordering Management Restaurant Staff apps on iPhone & Android platform
4. Food Delivery Drive Apps on iPhone & Android platform
5. Web backend panel for Restaurant Staff to manage food menu, catalogs, offers, orders, etc
6. Master Admin Web backend console to manage everything like merchant registration, driver registration, sales report, etc.
If you want a ready solution for Online food delivery marketplace applications, you can be in touch with Food Apps Company (Division of Fablian Group), They have a well-tested bundle of all mentioned solutions with ready-to-launch white-label applications. - Online Grocery delivery marketplace business: Lockdown or any restrictions never stop selling daily needs items, Although grocery stores come in essentials list so these businesses don’t face much problem in their business in this covid period. But the problem is how customer reaches their physical stores to avoid infection. So online grocery delivery marketplace business came in place to facilitate doorstep delivery services for these grocery stores.
Online grocery delivery businesses can overall grocery stores, vegetable stores, bakery, confectioneries, etc. - Online Bakery Cookies Delivery marketplace business: You can start a marketplace platform for all bakeries, bread shops, cake shops, pastry shops, cookies shops, etc to provide the facility of online ordering via website & marketplace apps.
- Become a White label reseller of technical services & applications for businesses: Due to sudden changes in way of doing business, many business owners still not experts in this field of technology. You can tie up with any offshore IT company and help these business owners with your services to help them go online as soon as they can to grow their business in this crucial face of COVID or post period of COVID.
You can become White Label Reseller Partner, and sell ready solutions of other businesses to business owners and earn a margin from it. This is a low investment business to start in the year 2021.
What you can resell as White label Reseller Partner?
1. Food Delivery Apps for Restaurant Owners, On fixed cost or monthly subscription basis.
2. Contactless Web Ordering System for Restaurant Owners
3. Self Ordering KIOSK Applications for Restaurant Owners
4. Website Designing Packages for Restaurant Owners
5. Social Media Marketing Services for Restaurant Owners
6. Pizzeria mobile app for Pizza Restaurants
7. Grocery delivery mobile apps for Grocery Store
How to become white label reseller partner with offshore IT company & Start making $12000+ monthly